PIKE Precision F3B ST76 double carbon
Wings with LDS (4 x JRDS 189 HV); slim fuselage (2 x KST DS 215 MG HV); protection covers; ballast.
EL fuselaje (+ wing joiner); NeuMotors 1112/1Y gear 6,7:1; YEP Brushless ESC 100A (programing card); 4x Nano-tech 2S/1800mAh 65-130C (2x 2S); KST X08 servos; Rx batterie 2S LiIo 2000mA with Emcotec support; 2x Freudenthaler spinner; 2x 17x13 Aeronaut + 2x 16x10 Aeronaut
Prix: 2.250 €